Tetelestai 1989 Season

Tetelestai 1988 Logo    


    • Nahum - Lori Borden
    • Isaiah - Marianne Gilliam
    • Zechariah - Ruth Fullen


    • Andy Jones


    • Judas - Roger Masten
    • Peter - Buff Delcamp
    • Bartholomew - Phil Erickson
    • James - Blaine Crosser
    • John - Jack Bartholemew
    • Matthew - Angie Long
    • Philip - Barb Bartholemew
    • Simon - Tom Cole
    • Thomas - Carol Sylvester


    • Mary, Mother of Jesus - Ruth Fullen
    • Mary Magdalene - Sandy Todd
    • Mary Cleophas - Sandy Nagy
    • Salome - Lori Maish


    • Caiaphas - Rod Borden
    • Annas - Russ Nagy
    • Theophilus - Matt Burkhart


    • Jeribai - Jack Johnson
    • Nimrod - Dave Foster
    • Phineas - Jim Kittelson
    • Matthias - John Waer


    • Pilate - Don Long
    • Claudia - Dulcy Delcamp
    • Adina - Betsy Nagy
    • Manlius - Ralph Foster
    • Captain of the Guard - Rick Bowen
    • Guard - Jeff Davis
    • Guard - Mike Davis
    • Guard - Andy Geistfeld


    • Herod - Tom Gilliam
    • Balak - Jeff Allen
    • Rachel - Amy Foster
    • Lydia - Lorli Nagy
    • Barabbas - Nerissa Detrick
    • Malcus - Greg Johnson
    • Joseph of Arimathea - Bob Sims
    • Simon of Cyrene - Kris Johnson


    • Cathy Blackwood
    • Katie Borden
    • Laura Bowen
    • Taryn Bowen
    • Sue Caldecott
    • Lindsey Cole
    • Steven Cole
    • Mary Michael
    • Mandy Crosser
    • Dan Davis
    • Leah Delcamp
    • Nancy Detrick
    • Brian Erickson
    • Joanne Foster
    • Dottie Johnson
    • Brian Klemensrud
    • Joe Long
    • Kara Maish
    • Amanda Masten
    • Ben McCoy
    • Kacey McCoy
    • Emily Nagy
    • Martha Nagy
    • Stefan Nagy
    • DeAnne Nelson
    • Anne Scott
    • Lisa Sims
    • Michelle Stutes
    • Andrew Borden
    • David Bowen
    • Sandy Bowen
    • Judy Brundage
    • Gale Cole
    • Sarah Cole
    • Mary Long
    • Aaron Crosser
    • Chris Davis
    • Terrie Davis
    • Molly Delcamp
    • Brett Erickson
    • Frohne Erickson
    • Kerry Gilliam
    • Brad Klemensrud
    • Lynn Klemensrud
    • Mary Long
    • Marilyn Maish
    • Andrew Masten
    • Jane McCoy
    • Brad Minshall
    • Kit Nagy
    • Philip Nagy
    • Tim Nagy
    • Alex Patterson
    • Courtney Sims
    • Stephan Sims
    • Maureen Sullivan
    • Larry Weaver
    • Tanja Sverdrup
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    • Director -
    • Associate Director -
    • Music Director -
    • Technical Director -
    • Stage Manager -
    • Sound - Dave King
    • Lights - Martin Ebert
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